FOR MODELS Compares to: Neopost Part # 7465233-01, PT1N03, PT1N12
For use in: Neopost IJ35, IJ40, IJ45, IJ50,
IJ60, IJ65, IJ70, IJ75, IJ80, IJ85, IJ90, IJ110,
IJ15K, SM75, SM85, SM95. 300 labels
The 6125-INKJET strip tape was designed specifi cally for use in today’s new line of digital postage meters from Neopost®.
allowing Canadian users the opportunity
to print their return address and postage on the same tape.
Single strip labels Self adhesive
300 strips per pack. For use with
Neopost- IJ35-IJ110,
IS420-IS480, IM420-IM480 mailing
Based off our original INKJET meter tape, the 6125 off ers 6 1/8” of overall facestock,
IMPRINT Area: 3 1/2” - 5 5/8” x 1 9/16” Sheet Size 5 7/8x1 9/16